Mohs Micrographic Surgery

Mohs is a specialty surgical procedure that is not performed at this office.  If it is recommended that you have the Mohs procedure, you will need to go to a specialist for this type of procedure.

Physicians that perform Mohs are members of the American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS) typically.  They are fellowship trained and have experience and expertise necessary to produce optimal outcomes in skin cancer treatment.

Areas that are difficult to treat with excision and radiation are typically recommended for Mohs because of the high cure rate and cosmetic outcomes.  This allows the smallest amount of tissue to be removed by surgeons trained in reconstruction surgery.

The Mohs Surgery Process

  • Step 1:  The roots of a skin cancer may extend beyond the visible portion of the tumor.  If these roots are not removed, the skin cancer will return.
  • Step 2:  The visible portion of the tumor is surgically removed.
  • Step 3:  A layer of skin is removed and divided into sections.  This is then color coded with dyes and a map of the surgical site is drawn.
  • Step 4:  The undersurface and edges of each section are microscopically examined for evidence of remaining cancer.
  • Step 5:  If cancer cells are found under the microscope, the surgeon marks the location on the map and returns to the patient to remove another layer of skin, but only precisely where cancer cells remain.
  • Step 6:  The removal process stops when there is no longer any evidence of cancer remaining in the surgical site.  Because Mohs surgery removes only tissue containing cancer, it ensures that the maximum amount of healthy tissue is kept intact.

For more information, please visit the ACMS patient website.